The AIADMK district secretaries gathered at the party headquarters and unanimously passed a resolution denouncing the Tamil Nadu BJP President, K. Annamalai, for his derogatory comments about former Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa. Led by general secretary Edappadi K. Palaniswami, the meeting lasted around 90 minutes, during which Palaniswami read out the resolution to the media. The resolution criticized Annamalai for his “unacceptable comments deliberately and with a motive,” labeling him as “politically inexperienced and immature.”
It highlighted the respect given to Jayalalithaa by prominent BJP leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, L.K. Advani, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, emphasizing her significant contributions and the role she played in bringing the BJP to power at the national level. The resolution also mentioned Palaniswami’s efforts in securing four BJP representatives’ election to the Assembly after a 20-year absence.
C.Ve. Shanmugam, a former Law Minister and Rajya Sabha member, argued that Annamalai’s actions were aimed at creating divisions between the AIADMK and BJP, ultimately benefiting the DMK in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Responding to Annamalai’s remarks, former interim general secretary V.K. Sasikala dismissed him as an inexperienced and ignorant individual, lacking political expertise.