Tamil Nadu Electricity Minister V Senthil Balaji has been arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) after an extensive questioning session. However, the minister was subsequently hospitalized in the ICU of a government hospital in Chennai due to complaints of uneasiness during the ED raids conducted at his premises on June 13. The arrest followed 18 hours of questioning by the ED, during which Balaji complained of chest pain while being taken into custody at 2 am and was promptly taken to the multi-speciality hospital in Omandurar Estate. Visuals from the incident showed Balaji in discomfort as he was brought to the hospital in the early hours of the morning.
The arrest has raised concerns within the DMK camp, leading ministers PK Sekar Babu and Udayanidi Stalin to rush to the hospital to meet Balaji. Sekar Babu alleged that there were signs of Balaji being tortured, pointing to the minister’s unconscious state, lack of response despite multiple calls, and swelling on his leg. He further accused the enforcement directorate, CBI, and income tax department of acting at the behest of the central government against those opposing its political agenda. Stressing that Balaji is more than just a minister but a DMK worker, Sekar Babu assured that the DMK government, led by MK Stalin, would legally address the issue and take actions based on his guidance.
Law minister S Reghupathy, who visited the hospital, expressed uncertainty regarding Balaji’s arrest and questioned the need for the continuous ED raids at the minister’s house. DMK advocates who also visited the hospital demanded immediate clarification from the ED regarding Balaji’s arrest status. V Ananda Kumar, the nodal officer at the Omandurar hospital, stated that Balaji was being treated for blood pressure and ECG variations, adding that there were no external injuries. While investigating the possibility of torture, he confirmed the absence of visible physical injuries.
The arrest follows the Supreme Court’s authorization last month for the police and ED to investigate an alleged cash-for-jobs scam involving Balaji, who also holds the Prohibition and Excise portfolio. Balaji previously served as the transport minister in the AIADMK government led by the late J Jayalalithaa from 2011 to 2015. Complaints were lodged against him, alleging that he received significant bribes for appointing individuals as drivers and conductors in the transport corporation. The ED conducted searches under the provisions of the PMLA, and the Income Tax department had also searched Balaji’s close aides last month. The timing of the searches coincided with Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit, which faced controversy when the street lights outside Chennai airport went off. Balaji dismissed the incident as accidental.