In a remarkable tale of determination and perseverance, Ram Bhajan, a former constable with the Delhi Police’s cyber cell, has emerged victorious by cracking the prestigious Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams. With a rank of 667, achieved on his eighth attempt, Mr Bhajan’s journey from a small village in Rajasthan’s Dausa to becoming an officer is nothing short of extraordinary.
Joining the police service in 2009, Mr Bhajan worked diligently in the Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations unit, dealing with complex cybercrime cases. However, his aspirations went beyond his current role. The turning point came in 2015 when he discovered the story of another police official who had successfully cleared the UPSC exams. Unfamiliar with the UPSC until then, Mr Bhajan decided to dream big and pursue a path that could change his circumstances.
“I could never imagine that this was possible,” Mr Bhajan expressed. “All I knew was that I had to think big, really big, to change the circumstances into which I was born. In fact, I did not even know what UPSC was until I joined the Delhi Police Service.”
Undeterred by the challenges, Mr Bhajan displayed unwavering tenacity as he attempted the UPSC exam seven times before finally achieving success on his eighth try. His triumph is even more remarkable considering his humble background, with parents who worked as manual laborers to support their children.
Mr Bhajan’s resilience extended beyond his professional life. In 2012, he married a woman who had discontinued her education after the 8th grade. Inspired by her husband’s determination, she resumed her studies. Mr Bhajan credits his wife as his strongest supporter, as she took on family responsibilities, allowing him to focus on his studies.
“My wife took on the family responsibilities, and I, in turn, motivated her and empowered her. I made her go back to regular school, and it was a challenge in the village for a daughter-in-law, who traditionally stayed in purdah, to attend school in a uniform,” Mr Bhajan shared.
Despite his remarkable achievement, Mr Bhajan’s journey continues. He still has one more attempt left and intends to appear for the UPSC prelims exam on May 28 in the hopes of achieving a better rank. His dedication to his studies has demanded months away from his family, dedicating 7 to 8 hours a day to prepare while fulfilling his duties in the Delhi Police’s cyber cell.
Mr Bhajan’s remarkable journey has brought immense pride to his parents, particularly his widowed mother, Dhapi Devi, who tirelessly worked as a manual laborer to support him. While his father passed away in 2020, his mother remained a steadfast source of support.
“We did everything for him, as one does for their children,” said Dhapi Devi, tearfully. “I made cow dung cakes, I grazed cows, buffaloes, and goats, and I even worked on construction sites.”
Ram Bhajan’s story is a testament to the indomitable spirit that can overcome even the most daunting obstacles. His dedication, hard work, and unwavering support from his wife and mother serve as an inspiration to countless individuals aspiring to achieve their dreams.
As Mr Bhajan prepares for his final attempt, the nation watches with anticipation, celebrating his remarkable journey and wishing him success in his future endeavors as he continues to break barriers and defy all odds.