According to ASER (Annual School Education Report) 2022 they figured out that there has been a decline in girls’ attendance at schools in the year between 2018 to 2022. Because of the poor economic conditions which aroused out of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been laid down as the reason for girls’ early marriages.
There has been financial stress for those people who lost their job during the pandemic.
Uttar Pradesh has the highest dropout percentage at 4% whereas other states have as low. Those states which have not been very good in enrolment of girls have also shown a steady increase in the rate of enrolment.
Older girls have a more percentage of inclination towards leaving school as the percentages are here as follows:-
- Madhya Pradesh has 17%
- Uttar Pradesh has 15%
- Chattisgarh has 11.2%
There has been an upliftment of this condition through Samagra Samiksha Abhigyaan. The results are worth it as there has been a steady rise in demand for schooling ASER center director said that it is tough to retain students in secondary schools. There has been a total of 40% drop adding 7.8% in 2018. This was amongst the age group of 15 to 16 and these girls have not been enrolled. Stated like Haryana has shown a decline rate of dropouts from 6.8% to 4.7%.
At the upper primary level (Classes 6-8), the dropout rate has gone up to 3 percent in 2021-22, compared to 1.9 percent in the year 2020-21.
The dropout rate is the highest in three years at the upper primary level. The report from 2019-20 shows the dropout rate was 2.6 percent, which went down to 1.9 percent in 2020-21 and then shot back up again to 3 percent in 2021-22. In all three years, the dropout rate for girls has been higher than that of boys at this level.