A Dalit man, Raju Vankar (45), tragically passed away after being mercilessly beaten by a hotel owner and his associate in Gujarat’s Mahisagar district. The incident occurred following an argument, during which the attackers hurled casteist slurs at the victim. Raju Vankar, who worked as an autorickshaw driver, had visited the hotel for dinner on June 7. After the meal, he requested the staff to pack some food for him to take home. However, when he confronted the hotel owner regarding the insufficient quantity of packed food, an altercation broke out, and the accused began verbally abusing him based on his caste. Subsequently, they subjected him to a severe beating, leaving him critically injured.
Raju Vankar informed his family about the assault and later complained of intense abdominal pain. He was rushed to a hospital in Mahisagar but was eventually transferred to SSG Hospital in Vadodara. Despite undergoing surgery, he succumbed to his injuries on Friday night. The police registered a case against the two accused under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. Following Raju Vankar’s demise, the police added a charge of murder.
Jignesh Mevani, a prominent Dalit leader and Congress MLA, condemned the incident and called for immediate action against the accused, whom he described as “casteist goons.” Mevani announced plans to lead a protest demanding the prompt arrest of the perpetrators. He emphasized that the victim’s family and community would not accept Raju Vankar’s body until the accused individuals were apprehended.
This tragic incident highlights the persistent issue of caste-based discrimination and violence against Dalits in society, prompting widespread outrage and calls for justice.