In an unexpected turn of events, the renowned Vande Bharat Express found itself making headlines once again, but this time for an unusual reason. A ticketless passenger aboard the train, traveling from Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh to Sunderaraj, managed to bring the high-speed journey to an unexpected halt.
The incident unfolded after the train had crossed Gudur, with its destination still hours away. The passenger, who had boarded the train without a valid ticket, chose to lock himself inside one of the train’s toilets. A cost-free journey seemed to be on the cards for him until an irresistible craving for a cigarette changed the course of events.
The flagship train is equipped with fire alarms. Which instantly detects any potential hazards. Ignoring this crucial detail, he lit a cigarette within the confined space of the toilet. The consequences were immediate. The fire alarms were triggered, and an automatic fire extinguisher sprung into action, releasing a cloud of aerosol throughout the compartment.
Panic Ripples the train
Panic rippled through the coach as passengers quickly grasped the seriousness of the situation. With the emergency alarms ringing, passengers rushed to use the compartment’s emergency phone to alert the train guard. The train had halt near Manubulu station, as Railway Police personnel swiftly took charge of the unfolding crisis.
Aided by a fire extinguisher, the Railway Police managed to break the window of the toilet. Inside, they found the source of the chaos – the passenger whose ill-fated cigarette had not only halted the train but also set off a chain of events leading to a full-scale rescue operation. The Nellore authorities took the smoker under custody.
Videos circulating on social media depicted the aftermath of the incident, with aerosol particles visible within the train coach and a shattered window, likely a consequence of passengers’ panic-driven actions.
An official statement from the South Central Railway (SCR) Zone’s Vijayawada Division shed light on the incident, stating, “An unauthorised passenger boarded the train from Tirupati and locked himself in the toilet of the C-13 coach. He smoked inside the toilet which resulted in the automatic activation of an aerosol fire extinguisher inside the toilet.”
The incident serves as a reminder of the critical importance of adhering to safety regulations and protocols while traveling. As the Vande Bharat Express resumes its journey after the unexpected halt, passengers and authorities alike will undoubtedly reflect on the unexpected chain of events caused by a simple cigarette break.