Shah Rukh Khan, the Bollywood superstar, is currently riding high on the success of his latest release, “Dunki.” However, it’s not just the film’s success that has fans talking; it’s also the recent Ask SRK session he conducted on his social media platform, X (formerly Twitter).
In his signature style, Shah Rukh engaged with fans, fielding questions about “Dunki” and even being pressed to choose between his last three releases, including “Pathaan” and “Jawan.” Known for his wit and humor, Shah Rukh was reportedly at his hilarious best, adding a touch of entertainment to the interaction.
The session took an interesting turn when a fan reminded Shah Rukh that it was Salman Khan’s birthday. Instead of a conventional social media post, Shah Rukh revealed a more personal side, stating, “I know, and I have wished him. I don’t do it on social media because it’s personal na?? Waise yeh picture bhai ki awesome hai (This picture of bhai is awesome)!”
This response not only showcases Shah Rukh’s respect for personal connections but also hints at a warm camaraderie between the two Bollywood icons. The choice to keep birthday wishes personal rather than sharing them on a public platform adds a touch of authenticity to the celebrity interaction.
More About The Interaction:
Earlier in the session, Shah Rukh shared a playful anecdote about losing a VR game to his younger family member. He humorously expressed the need for some “happy 20 questions” to recharge and regroup for a rematch. This glimpse into his everyday life adds a relatable touch, endearing him even more to his fan base.
When questioned about how he deals with the criticism and rumors that circulate about him, Shah Rukh responded with his trademark wit. Referring to the saying, “opinions are like ____s, everyone has one,” he emphasized that he works on belief rather than opinions.
In a world where celebrities often face intense scrutiny, Shah Rukh’s approach to dealing with criticism appears to be grounded in self-belief and resilience.
Shah Rukh Khan’s recent social media interaction not only highlights his humorous side but also showcases his ability to navigate the complexities of fame with authenticity. The personal touch in wishing Salman Khan on his birthday adds a layer of sincerity that resonates with fans, making this Ask SRK session yet another memorable chapter in the actor’s engaging online presence.