Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw sparked curiosity on social media when he shared an image of a train coach and challenged users to guess the “train in the making.” The minister dropped a hint, referring to the nursery rhyme, “Jack n Jill went up the hill.”
The photograph showcased train coaches with spacious windows and single seats on each side of the aisle. Many social media users speculated that these coaches might be part of the new toy trains planned for the Kalka-Shimla route.
Just a few days earlier, the Rail Coach Factory (RCF) in Kapurthala had introduced four advanced Vistadome narrow gauge coaches designed with glass roofs and large windows specifically for the Kalka-Shimla heritage track.
RCF General Manager Ashesh Agrawal mentioned in a media briefing that these coaches would undergo trial runs on the Kalka-Shimla route before being put into service. The train would consist of an AC executive car, an AC chair car, a non-AC chair car, and a power-cum-luggage and guard car. The Kalka railways would conduct the trial runs, and the official date for their commencement would be determined by the Railway Board.
The Kalka-Shimla rail track holds historical significance as the first rail link connecting Shimla was laid by the British in 1903. Recognizing its value, UNESCO declared it a World Heritage site in 2009. With 103 tunnels, 800 bridges, 919 curves, and 18 railway stations, the route offers a scenic and memorable journey for travelers.