Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has given his approval for the implementation of the Food Truck Policy during a recent meeting. The policy aims to provide Delhi residents with access to delicious food even during late hours, create employment opportunities, and strengthen the economy. It was originally announced in the 2022-23 ‘Rozgar Budget’.
The government has set a deadline of December 15 for inaugurating the “food truck hubs,” which will initially be established at 16 locations identified under the jurisdictions of various authorities such as the DMRC, PWD, and DTTDC.
If successful, this model will be replicated across the city, with potential locations including Rohini East, August Kranti Marg, Pitampura, Press Enclave Road, and Vishwavidyalaya. The policy aims to generate revenue and employment by allotting land parcels to concessionaires selected through a bidding process. Minimum license fees with profit-sharing models will be imposed based on the commercial potential of the areas served by the concessionaires.
Furthermore, the policy intends to encourage small businesses by including a certain percentage of start-ups in the tender process. While the concessionaires will be responsible for setting up and maintaining the hubs, individual food truck operators will run the businesses. The policy will be finalized and presented to the Cabinet after consultations between relevant departments and stakeholders.