The Council for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) Odisha has announced the results for the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or +2 exams for the Arts stream. The results were declared from the CHSE Bhubaneswar office, and students can now download their scorecards from the official CHSE websites, chseodisha.nic.in and orissaresults.nic.in.
A total of 1,81,869 students have successfully cleared the Odisha Class 12 Arts exams, resulting in an impressive overall pass percentage of 78.88%. This achievement reflects the hard work and dedication of the students, as well as the quality education provided by the educational institutions in the state.
The CHSE exams were conducted offline between March 2 and April 4, with the morning session starting at 8 am and concluding at 10 am. Students from the Arts stream, along with those from the vocational stream, eagerly awaited the results, which are now available online for download.
To qualify the Odisha plus two exams, students had to attain a minimum overall score of 33 percent. This threshold ensured that students demonstrated a satisfactory level of knowledge across various subjects.
The Arts stream is a vital academic discipline that offers students a diverse range of subjects, including languages, humanities, and social sciences. This year, a significant number of students opted for vocational studies as well, with 67.48% of them passing the exams successfully.
The CHSE Odisha has been releasing results for the +2 exams in a phased manner, with the Science and Commerce streams being announced earlier. The Science stream achieved an impressive overall pass percentage of 83.93%, while Commerce students achieved a pass percentage of 81.12%.
The CHSE Odisha has played a crucial role in ensuring a smooth conduct of examinations amid challenging circumstances. Their efforts, combined with the dedication of the students, have resulted in a commendable performance across all streams.
The declaration of the Arts stream results now concludes the Odisha Class 12 examinations for the academic year 2022-2023. The successful students can now explore various higher education opportunities, including undergraduate programs, professional courses, and vocational training, based on their interests and career aspirations.
The entire team at CHSE Odisha, along with the educators and parents, extend their heartfelt congratulations to all the successful students. Their achievements are not only a reflection of their hard work but also a testament to the robust education system in Odisha.
As the students embark on the next phase of their educational journey, it is hoped that they continue to pursue their dreams with the same dedication and enthusiasm, contributing to the growth and development of the state and the nation as a whole.