
A Computer Technician has strong troubleshooting skills and technical proficiency related to a variety of computer hardware and software systems.

India in AI domain for a better future: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Meets PM Modi

In a momentous meeting between OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, held on June 8, the world

Rudrakshi Gupta Rudrakshi Gupta

BattleGrounds Mobile India (BGMI) Available for Preload, Playable from May 29 for Android Users

Krafton Inc announced that BattleGrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is now available for preload for all Android users, with gameplay starting

EH Team EH Team

Tips to Boost Your Internet Speed: Steps to Enhance Performance on Any Device

In today's interconnected world, a fast and reliable internet connection has become a necessity. Whether you're streaming movies, working remotely,

Rudrakshi Gupta Rudrakshi Gupta