There is always one book that teaches something about life that’s so relatable and easy to believe that it’s almost unbelievable, ikigai gives you the same feeling it’s a book based on small values that focus on living a long and happy life. The Authors of the book Hector Garcia and Francesco Miralles is one of the best self-help books today. This international bestseller is all about helping you find your Ikigai. The Japanese word “Ikigai” means a reason to live. It describes a place of balance where your needs, ambitions, desires, and satisfaction meets. This book says that finding one’s Ikigai is actually very simple. It helps you figure out your own Ikigai and change your life. So, here is everything you need to know about the Ikigai book.
Its a Once in a lifetime experience because the experience as the book takes you through various different occasions such as the blue zones, longevity, logotherapy, flow, yoga, tai chi, and resilience. It defines what Ikigai is and its rules. The book says that living a long and full life is under your control to an extent. Your habits and life choices can make a significant difference from an early age.
There are various reasons why this book is so popular one of them is definitely because of the way it has helped people find a purpose in life by giving them small guidelines to build their own path, the ikigai teaches you introspection and an easy way of decoding thoughts and enacting them. Ikigai focuses on simplicity and a sweet way of living simply by being calm and living an unrushed way of life. It helps people regain positivity and shine . even its approach to health is unique and instead of workouts and hardcore exercising it talks about Community service. Gardening, eating healthy and staying in a green environment.
Our Favorite Quote of Ikigai is
“Essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”