A 28-year-old private firm employee named Kumar, residing in KR Puram, Bengaluru, found himself in a distressing situation after befriending a woman he met while playing an online game called Cock Fight. The woman, who identified herself as Dhanalakshmi from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, turned out to be an extortionist, extracting over Rs 23 lakh from Kumar.
Their acquaintance began in August 2022 when Kumar and Dhanalakshmi started chatting on Telegram and eventually exchanged their mobile numbers. Over time, Dhanalakshmi shared her alleged financial problems and borrowed Rs 20,000 from Kumar. A few weeks later, during a WhatsApp video call, she unexpectedly appeared partially nude, prompting Kumar to do the same. Unbeknownst to him, Dhanalakshmi recorded the video, leading to a distressing turn of events.
Exploiting the recorded video, Dhanalakshmi began threatening Kumar with publicizing the explicit footage and even claimed that she would commit suicide, making him fear potential legal repercussions. Faced with this grim situation, Kumar succumbed to her demands and started providing money whenever she requested it. In total, he transferred Rs 23 lakh to two bank accounts provided by Dhanalakshmi.
Burdened by the financial strain, Kumar decided to confide in his friends, who advised him to report the blackmail to the police. Following their suggestion, he filed a complaint with the Whitefield CEN crime police on May 17, hoping for a resolution to his predicament.
This distressing incident serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with online interactions and the importance of maintaining caution when forming relationships over the internet. It highlights the vulnerability of individuals who fall victim to extortion and blackmail, emphasizing the need for increased awareness and education about online safety and the potential consequences of sharing explicit content.