In a monumental week for Indian cinema, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has extended his gratitude to audiences for their overwhelming support of his latest film, “Oh My Gadar” (OMG 2), as well as Sunny Deol’s “Gadar 2.” Both films were released simultaneously on August 11, resulting in what Akshay dubbed as the “greatest week in film history.”
Taking to his social media platforms, Akshay Kumar posted a heartfelt video that paid homage to both “Oh My Gadar” and “Gadar 2.” In his post, the actor affectionately referred to the clash between the two films as “Oh My Gadar,” adding a Bollywood spin to the situation. He conveyed his sincere appreciation to audiences for contributing to the unprecedented success of both movies at the box office.
In the caption accompanying the video, Akshay Kumar wrote, “A big thank you to our audiences for all the love for #OhMyGadar and giving us the greatest week in Indian Film History! Pyaar aur aabhar (Love and gratitude) 🙏 #Gadar2 in cinemas #OMG2 in cinemas.”
Compilation Of positive Reviews
The video montage showcased a compilation of positive reviews, as well as the impressive box office figures that “Oh My Gadar” garnered. Throughout the video, Akshay Kumar could be heard singing the melodious Udd Jaa Kale Kaava, a popular romantic song from “Gadar 2.” This song was featured in a scene alongside actor Pankaj Tripathi in “Oh My Gadar.”
As for the box office performance of both films, “Gadar 2” achieved remarkable success with an impressive collection of ₹55 crore on Independence Day. While it experienced a slight dip in collections on Wednesday, the film managed to surpass the coveted ₹250 crore mark. It is expected to cross the ₹300 crore mark in the near future.
Meanwhile, “Oh My Gadar” featuring Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi had a substantial decrease in collections on Wednesday, following a surge in earnings on Independence Day. The film collected ₹7.75 crore on Wednesday and has accumulated ₹80 crore thus far. It is anticipated to cross the ₹100 crore milestone during the upcoming weekend.
Addressing the clash of both films, Sunny Deol, the lead actor of “Gadar 2,” expressed his opinion by saying, “Jo film zyada acchi hoti hai phir bhi aap usko doosre films ke barabari mein le aatey ho. Jis cheez ki barabari nahin hai, mat karo” (Why must people compare a good film with others? Films that have no comparison should not be pitted against each other).
As the box office records continue to be shattered, both “Oh My Gadar” and “Gadar 2” stand as testament to the power of Indian cinema and the fervent support of its audiences.