In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old woman was found dead in a pool of blood on the third floor of a building in Delhi’s Civil Lines. The police have identified the deceased as Rani, while her roommate, Sapna, aged 36, has been accused of the crime. During interrogation, Sapna reportedly confessed to the murder, stating that it occurred after a heated argument between the two friends, who were under the influence of alcohol.
Upon arriving at the scene, the police found Sapna near the victim’s body. Initially, Sapna claimed to have been on the terrace of the house during the incident. However, during preliminary questioning, she admitted to the crime. Both Rani and Sapna were living together as roommates. A case has been registered under section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), and further investigation is underway, according to DCP Sagar Singh Kalsi of North Delhi.
This tragic incident follows closely on the heels of another brutal murder in Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy area, where a 16-year-old girl was stabbed multiple times and bludgeoned to death with a large rock, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend Sahil. The suspect, Sahil, 20, was apprehended in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, after a video of the crime surfaced online. He is currently in police custody for a two-day period.
The consecutive incidents of violence have once again highlighted the need for enhanced safety measures and effective law enforcement to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring in the national capital. The police authorities are expected to conduct thorough investigations to ensure that justice is served and that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions.